A resolution for developing an India Center and Sanatan Mandir was passed by the General Body of IACA on December 4, 2005. The name was approved by a general body from a list of proposed names. The resolution also stipulated separate buildings for the two projects. Since then efforts were underway for both the projects; however, the concept of developing Sanatan Mandir took shape first and rigorous fund raising followed. Some enthusiastic supporters were inducted to the Initial Board of Governors and various ad-hoc committees were formed from the donors and volunteers to pursue the enormous tasks of this noble undertaking. The efforts of fund raising including countless events, culminated in collection of donations in excess of $1,500,000.
In 2009 Phase I, the Site preparation work began. Phase I included Parking lot, Ingress, Egress, Detention pond, Retaining Walls, Safety lights, Compaction of the Site pad and the Utilities work. Approximately $900000 has been expended on Phase 1. Phase I of the project was completed in 2011.